An artist that instantly came to my mind when it comes to doing both design work and art work was Andy Warhol. His unique approach to art allowed him to think outside the box.The idea of reproduction and repetition played a crucial role in the development of his works. From designing labels on product's boxes and making them reproducible was an advancement in itself! When someone designs something for someone they are trying to see what from that particular person's perspective. They cater to the purpose. When someone is making artwork they draw inspiration solely on what their intentions for the piece are. Being a good designer comes down that exact combination of skill sets that work together in harmony. Andy Warhols pop art images were extremely pleasing to the eye upon first glance, the colors, the arrangement, the repetition, the balance. His career began as an illustrator and it was not until after his career when he became focusing on his artwork. He also dabbled in countless other media outlets ranging from photography, filming, screen printing, record producing etc. He was a jack of all trades that had both a designers eye and an artists eye.
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