Tuesday, November 29, 2011

second remix readings

Pla(y)garism and detournement was a quick and easy to follow read. The process of mixolgy and a general background of the art of creation was shared in the readings. It helped me better understand the idea and the differences between plagiarism and playgiraism. In a nutshell, playgarism can be described as the act of playfully reusing found source material and altering its message.The creation of the remix and the steps that can be taken to make your own remix are also presented, It demonstrated examples that taught the idea of changing the words of a text to create a poem. After reading the first article i believe that I have done some forms of remixing without a doubt . Using images that I find on the internet, whether it be for things such as powerpoints, school projects, video projects, writing papers all serve as primary examples of remixology in a sense. Every word we use and speak could be considered plagarised. Its all been said, and its all been done, It is up to us to accept the challenge and manipulate any and everything to put our own stamp on things we create. In Detournement, they focus on remixing mass media messages that have a target audience to changing the whole meaning of the work. Thru the process of sampling and mashing one can manipulate the source material and achieve something truly unique. Culture Jamming is another form that is brought up and that involves hacking frequencies and broadcasting whatever you feel is neccesary. Everything can be altered, why not put your own spin on things and be heard for once!

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